Friday, June 05, 2009

Give My Girl Some Love Will Ya?

Hey, for all of my loyal fellow bloggers and lurkers, could you do me a favour today (being Friday) or tomorrow (being Saturday)? My girlfriend, Goofball, is having a big day tomorrow: she is getting married!!

Please head on over here to wish her a happy day, a life filled with love, happiness and laughter. I am so truly happy for her and her man and you can't imagine how much I wish that I could be there for the big day. I am filled with guilt with having no money to do so but instead I will deal with it and shower them with loving thoughts over the weekend. That and a few interesting things that just may arrive on their doorstep over the next week or two .......

Goofball and Mr. Goofball: I love you both and wish you the absolute best on your special day. Know that I am there in spirit and thoughts and look forward to talking with you both and listening to you share your day with me.


Goofball said...

hey sweetie! Thank you so much for all your love and the sweet wishes:)

We've truly had a fantastic day! I've already posted the first pictures I've received from someone on my blog!

We've been thinking of you as well. I think you'd have had a ball at the party if you had been here with us.

Take care!

Sheryl said...

She was a beautiful bride and they had a beautiful day! Hooray for Ellen!