Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Holding Your Head High

Need a lift today? Want something to inspire you and remind you just how powerful it is to be a woman and have other women in your life? Well don't wait for another second, head over here for a speech done by Kelly Corrigan, narrating so eloquently the preciousness of friendship amongst women.

A HUGE thanks and hug to my beautiful and one of my bestest friends ever, Debbie for sending this onto me as a hug in the form of an email. I love you too Deb; more than you will ever know. I cherish our friendship beyond belief and feel so blessed to have you in my life. You are that soft place to fall, that secure place to confide my fears and that place to laugh until I cry.

And to all of my women blogging friends: a huge hug to you. You guys make my day by sharing your lives with me and all of the encouraging support that you give to me by offering comforting or jesting comments. Despite never meeting most of you, you all hold a very special place in my heart.


Anonymous said...

You're the best Alli!! Love you too! Deb

Jenn said...

we love you too. =)

Goofball said...

and you do in mine as well!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link to our blog! I treasure my circle of women, and it is clear your friends treasure your circle as well...

Once you're done wiping the tears away, you may want to check out another post on our blog that will leave you with tears in your eyes from laughter:
