It is official, Santa is not going to bring me presents this year. Why?
Well, quite frankly it is because I used his possible attendance at the annual Santa Claus parade tonight as a bribe to get all of the children to have a nap. And guess what? It worked! I am sitting here peacefully, enjoying a hot cup of tea while five kids are dreaming away of sugar plums, okay lets face it, likely suckers throwen their way tonight and hoping that they will get to see a glimpse or two of Saint Nick.
I wonder if this is classed as bribery for in the long run, I am doing both myself and the other parents a favour by napping the kids. I mean, at least they will be happy and not overly tired right?
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thank You Santa Claus
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Magic of 23
Yesterday my favourite number was 24. Many, including my husband, thought that I was referring to the new season of 24 scheduled to begin in the New Year. As you know, the previews and teasers on that show have been coming fast and furious and well quite frankly, I am kind of over the fascination of Jack Bauer and his abilities to handle every sticky situation known to man within a day.
Instead, my favourite number today is 23. And tomorrow will be 22. Then the next 21 and so on. Departure day is approaching quickly and there is so much to do, with so little time to get it all accomplished in. Today I just made our final payment (ouch) on our Disney trip and tonight will be researching overnight options for our journey down to Christmas in California. We are suckers for torture and plan on driving down to Indio and have every intention of making the drive in two days. Expedia, Mapquest and BCAA all claim that it is a 22 hour drive, but in reality with children like mine, it will be more like 22 days before we actually get down there. I hope to borrow someones Tulle (you know, those encased roof carriers) and pimping it out with blankets, cushions and of course water. It will at some point of the trip be where I stuff the kids or husband when they become antsy, cranky and overbearing. Heck, maybe I will stuff myself in there and equip myself with the iPod, a bottle of wine, lots of warm, cozy blankets and cushions. Now that sounds like a great travel plan.
Until then, we will continue to countdown our days passing by us with excitement and anticipation. And to be truthful, perhaps even a little nostalgic tear or two in knowing that we won't get to have a true "White Christmas" this year. I miss those days of going to bed on Christmas Eve with those fine, delicate flakes falling softly to the ground. Of waking Christmas morning to mounds of snow and the tell tale tracks of Santa's sleigh. But, part of having a festive holiday season is what you make of it so we will be "decking the palms" down in Indio, California followed shortly thereafter with singing in the New Year with Mickey and friends. When looking at it that way, I don't think that 23 days can come quick enough .....
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Adventures of Dolly
She is strong and will be there to comfort you in your moments of weakness, devastation or fright. She is there to celebrate with you in your moments of happiness and victory. She will listen to all of your secrets and those secrets are forever safe with her. Her smile will light up your day and the compassion seen in her face will capture your heart and soon she will be your best friend who you can't live without.Some say (like my husband) that she is an eye sore, but I think that she is incredibly beautiful. She is huggable, kissable and is the best snuggler ever. She helps keep you warm and cozy at night too watching over you in your blissful slumber.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Lonely yet Devine
The date happened. Like really happened. And, just like two young teenagers, we felt like we were on our first date. You know, those awkward moments of wondering what to say and you hope that you don't sound like a goof with what comes out of your mouth? That kind of date.
We decided that we would attempt to refrain talking about money, children, jobs and so on. And we managed, awkwardly at that, to succeed in this little challenge for oh about, 10 minutes. After accepting defeat, we got back to ground level where we are accustomed to existing and spent the hour over dinner discussing the antics of Masyn and the surprises from Kaelen. And, dinner over all despite being delicious was awkward period as we were the only people in this upscale restaurant. Instead of getting lost in the crowd and mooning over the candle at each other, we felt like we had to be reserved and quiet just in case the entire staff could over hear our conversation. They probably did because the service was over the top. Meaning that we were checked on every five minutes so a good scandalous conversation really never had the chance to form.
The food was fabulous and the wine even more so. Our highlight though was that we actually got to consume our dinners while they were warm and presentable. In retrospect though, it was probably warm because we hoovered the entrees back without any grace for fear that we would get interrupted. Old habits die hard.
And being the pathetic beings that we are, the night ended shortly after a quick tour of the facility casino. It ended because we felt pressed to be home with the kids. It felt like the right thing to do. Sadly, bliss quickly set in once we jumped into our comfies and assumed our positions on the couch; across the room from one another. Upon settling in, we looked at each other with big grins on our faces, sighed and promptly argued over who got control of the remote.
Our romantic evening lasted two hours. Is it that obvious that we are about to embark on our 16th year together?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Blink. Open, close. Blink again. Now rub the eyes and yes, the calendar reads right. Today is November 12th. 12th you say? As in it has been two weeks since I last posted? Now shake your head in disbelief and wonder just where did that time go.
How does it do that? And how do you make it stop and slow down? I mean time. It really needs to slow down an hour or few because I am just finding it hard to keep up and soak up all of this little thing called life.
We, like everyone else have been busy. But, we are also falling in love with each other again and actually acting like a normal family. We spend weekends together - like all four of us. Our weekends are filled with laughter and adventures. It is so fun to watch the kids entertain hubby and watch him soak up all of their antics into giddy giggles, wet kisses and big bear hugs. It is so wonderful to have that extra set of hands to help put out the fires that Masyn mostly starts with her rambunctious nature and that partnership of taking turns giving baths and cooking meals.
And get this ... are you ready for this? Sshhhh .... I can't say this too loud because I am not quite ready to believe this is actually going to happen .... Hubby and I are going on a date on Friday night! The sitter has been booked as have the dinner reservations. A date? I honestly don't know when the last time was that we went on a date! I am giddy with excitement to spend five hours alone with my husband but am nervous too. I mean, does one forget how to eat/enjoy a warm dinner? What about table etiquette? Is it proper to devour your meal in one swallow for fear that it will turn cold? I am figuring this dating thing is just like riding a bike; you just don't forget it. Right? Any suggestions?
Oh .... and please be ready to slap me upside the head too. Because I know myself soooooooo well. Despite being super excited for this big date with my husband, I also know myself well enough that when Friday officially begins, I will start experiencing separation anxiety from my children. So much so, that I will try to talk myself out of going. I will try to justify that it is money that we could save and that being together as a family is just as an important treat.