Sunday, May 04, 2008

Mrs. Potato Head

After suffering for three hours yesterday morning without any coffee in the house, I packed the kids up and went grocery shopping. Of late, bringing Masyn anywhere in public makes the trip rather tedious because she doesn't want to sit in the grocery cart or stroller nor does she have the patience to be in the sling for long, yet she can't walk on her own yet so basically I can't win in the "Keeping Her Happy" department. Luckily, Safeway had a kiddy race cart there so she and Kaelen made it about 15 minutes of beeping the horns before all chaos broke out. It is amazing at how productive a Mom can be when given a tight timeline to achieve things.

The most important purchase was of course coffee beans and even better is that there is a Starbucks within the store so after the groceries were packed into the van, the kids and I ran back into the store and Mommy grabbed a Venti Latte while Kaelen had a "Little Boy Coffee" as he puts it, which is really a hot chocolate. After the first sip of the latte, all of the morning's challenges became a distant memory and the day seemed a lot brighter. After a brief nap for Masyn, the kids and I went down to the fair that is in town and Kaelen got to ride a few of the little kids rides and play a few games. Masyn's patience lasted an amazing 45 minutes until melt down mode set in so then we headed for home where she could roam the world on hands and knees.

Upon coming home, the neighborhood kids were knocking down the door for Kaelen so he excitedly ran out to play in the yard with them. Masyn meanwhile was content to make a mess in the playroom perfecting her talent of taking everything out of a toy box. She kind of reminds me of a hurricane leaving destruction in her path as she passes through. Anyways, this is what I walked into after leaving her on her own for a minute while I flopped the laundry over.

Gotta love Mr. Potato Head. And, it is amazing at how much your children soak everything in around them. Masyn was very insistent on putting her glasses on her head and then had to go and grab my sunglasses to put them on my head as that is usually where they can be found when not in use.


Jenn said...

She's got everything going for her, smart and cute!


Mariposa said...

Now there is coffee in the house...I can now visit you and have coffee with you! ;)

She is so adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Sam loves to wear the glasses like that too, despite the fact that they now hurt his head getting them on.

And yes - the coffee, oh, the coffee. Such a sweet and scary addiction. Amazing how it can turn a morning around.

Unknown said...

What a sweet picture, she's so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Oh, she is just soooooo darn cute!!
The race car cart is the only way we make it through the grocery store too.

Ellen said...

that is SO adorable!! she looks like such a sweetie!!! I am not looking forward until the time that my Kaelyn doesn't have patience to sit still!

Goofball said...

aaah thank goodness for coffee huh.

the patoto head glasses look very funny on her :p