Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Summertime Reflection

I love this picture, like truly love it. For me, it captures the essence of my children's love for one another. These two are like two peas in a pod. Masyn worships her older brother and copies everything that he does; his other shadow. She is his little parrot and one must exercise extreme patience when speaking with him for she is parroting (or attempting to) verbatim everything that he says. And Kaelen? He is the big brother I always wished that I had: he happily includes her in on all of his adventures, he watches out for her and is quick to reprimand her if she steps out of line. But most of all, it is the love that each of them has for the other that is so incredibly precious. They are always cuddling, hugging and kissing one another. And it is moments like this that shows you that they even enjoy the quiet times in life together too.


Goofball said...

So sweet, so precious

Ellen said...

very precious!! It creates such a wonderful, undescribable feeling in a mother's heart to see that!! my children are also very affectionate towards one another (even though they probably fight the most with each other) and I wouldn't have it any other way :)