Sunday, February 22, 2009

Random Act of Kindness

I have written about it before and am truly passionate about it. When was the last time that you have done a Random Act of Kindness?

Whether it is shovelling the mounds of snow from a neighbours driveway to purchasing the coffee order in the Tim Horton's Drive thru behind you, to baking cookies for the stand offish neighbors down the road that just welcomed their first child into the world? What ever it is, where ever it is, it is something that is not practiced enough in our society today. Everywhere you turn it feels like someone is soliciting a donation for a worthy cause or raising funds for a school trip or needed upgrades to a facility. But if you are like me, money is tight and you feel like a total chump for not giving. And while a $5 donation can go a long way for some charities, it doesn't make me feel good about giving. Instead, putting a smile on somebody's face while remaining anonymous is worth so much more to me.

Sneaky antics that I have been known to use is to leave a well thought out note to thank a fellow employee for their hard work and that they are appreciated, to making a hot cup of tea accompanied with home baked cookies on a desk of a manager when they slip out to diffuse a situation. I have also been that person to buy the order behind me at both Starbucks and Tim Hortons to mowing lawns of the neighbour down the road that seems to be working long hours of late. Whatever the act, it for the most part always remained anonymous and it gave me the satisfaction of knowing that I likely put a smile of wonderment on that person's face.

We had a Random Act of Kindness given to us a few years ago and I often wonder if that person will ever know how much that impacted our lives. And, over the weekend, I was the lucky recipient of a kind, thoughtful person anonymously purchasing my coffee at the Tim Horton's drive thru. Did they know just how close I was bordering on the line of desperation of needing that hot, blissful, satisfying first sip of a coffee?

So, go ahead and drop that quarter in the expired parking meter beside you tomorrow because we all know just how irksome a ticket is. I dare you to drop off a batch of cookies to your local hospital to either the Emergency Room staff or Pediatric/Nursery Ward. You just may be surprised at how under appreciated people feel and your thoughtfulness gave someone else hope and happiness if only for a moment.

Have you been the recipient of a Random Act of Kindness before? If so, what was it? Or, have you been the giver of an act? Care to share?


Anonymous said...

Hey Allie! Great idea! When I was going to University in Victoria I would drive back and forth from Invermere and once per trip I would pay the Coquihalla toll of $10 for the person behind me. Then I would drive like a bat out of hell so they couldn't catch me and God forbid wave a "thanks!" It just felt good to be that anonymous person doing a good thing. Thanks for making me smile remembering that!!


Goofball said...

you're such a sweetie!

Unknown said...'re right. It HAS been a while! Great reminder, dearie! I will look to do something today.

Ellen said...

What awesome ideas!!! Last weekend actually, for the first time, I parked my car in the church parking lot, and someone actually went out of their way to come and help me take the kids inside, such a little thing, but it meant so much to me. I am going to make a point of doing my random act of kindness this week!

Anonymous said...

We try to live our lives by this. But sometimes, with 4 little ones in tow, I allow myself to be consumed by my family. Thanks for the reminder!